On 22 may 2020 my new single ‘Morgen’ will be released on all streaming platforms. This song by Richard Strauss has always been one of my favourites. I don’t know any other song that gives so much hope and joy.
Long ago Annette de Rozario and I performed it very often. And now, 25 years on, inspired by the present circumstances I made a new arrangement and we recorded this intimate version.
Out Now!
Finally my album ‘Nachtstücke’ is available on Spotify and all other streaming platforms.
Thanks everybody for the support!
Just finished the last video of my album ‘Nachtstücke’. I really enjoyed working with visuals.
Everything is ready now and will be released on Spotify, YouTube and all the other platforms on the 3rd of May. Exciting!

First Video Online
In april the music of my album ‘Nachtstücke’ will be released on all streaming platforms including visuals for all (!) tracks on youtube. In my opinion this takes way too much time so I will give you a little preview by releasing the visuals for the track ‘Mir nichts, Dir nichts’ a bit earlier. Enjoy!
Filming at Langeoog

There’s no sunset!

New Album ‘Nachtstücke’ out in february
I am very proud to announce the release of my album ‘Nachtstücke’.
Neo classical piano music surrounded by voice and electronics.
A couple of years ago I composed the music of this album on the German island Langeoog where I grew up.
During long winter nights I wrote 9 ambient tracks inspired by the remarkable atmosphere of the frozen island.
Two songs with soprano Annette de Rozario complete the album.
This has been my most personal musical adventure so far.